Rabu, 27 Februari 2019

Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs Kelas 1 - English Mid-term Test for Junior High School of First Grade

A.    Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1.       Everyone knows Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) Stadium. It is one of great stadiums in Indonesia, so, It is very .... stadium in Indonesia.
a. Big
b. Famous
c. Cheap
d. Worried

2.       What is the opposite meaning of wild?
a. Sharp
b. Harm
c. Same
d. Tame

3.       I have a sheep. It has white .... and it is very thick. Many people like it and it’s so tame.
a. Fur
b. Fer
c. Lung
d. Heart

4.       Don’t be late, Datanglah jam 1 lebih seperempat!
Chose the best English the underlined sentences above.
a. Come at one past quarter.
b. Come at quarter past one.
c. Come at two past quarter.
d. Come at quarter past two.

5.       Rini is a .... . I always see her bring notebook to write poems, short story, articles, etc
a. Writer
b. Banker
c. Seller
d. Driver

6.       Irma     :  Surya, look at the crickets
   there. What is it doing?
            Surya   :  It is ....
a. Basking
b. Howling
c. Chirping
d. Whistling

7.       Tika has .... black hairs. She always bring comb to make her hair neat.
a. Long
b. Light
c. Large
d. Lace

8.       This house is .... and old.
a. Hopeful
b. Happy
c. Steward
d. Awkward

9.       Every morning, Andi’s father .... news paper at front of his house.
a. Reds
b. Is reading
c. Reads
d. Read
10.   Lion is one of .... animal. It likes to make other animal dead with its claws.
a. Tame
b. Wild
c. Light
d. Rough

11.   Susi has some interesting reading books at home, she gives one for me .... .
a. It
b. Its
c. Her
d. Hers

12.   Alba was born in 1999, so, He is .... years old now.
a. 20
b. 11
c. 21
d. 19

      Read the text below to answer number 13 to 16.
            Rudi and his family live in new village in Bondowoso. It is very interesting village and He likes it. The house is huge house. It has four bedrooms: two in front, one in the middle, and two other in back of the house. There is garden beside kitchen. I and my family love it so much.

13.   Who does tell the text above?
a. I
b. His family
c. Writer
d. Rudi

14.   How many bathroom are there in the house? 
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. None

15.   What is beside kitchen?
a. Dining room
b. Kitchen
c. Garage
d. Bedrooms

16.   The house of Rudi’s family is ....?
a. Hang
b. Anxious
c. Durable
d. Huge

17.   How do you say this underlined word in British, during
a. djuri:ng
b. djuring:
c. djuring
d. dju:ring

18.   Zuli is so .... . She often treats her friends some snacks.
a. Kind-hearted
b. Beautiful
c. Diligent
d. Lazy

19.   “Ibu memberiku 2 permen miliknya”
If the sentence is changed into English will be ....
a. Mother give me 2 candies hers.
b. Mother gives me 2 candies her.
c. Mother give me 2 candy hers.
d. Mother gives me 2 candies hers.

20.   I am washing my clothes, Ina is taking a bath, and the sheep is eating. Some minutes later we go to school together.

... We go to school together, ….” (line 3)
What does the underline word refer to?
a. Ina and I
b. I and It
c. It and Ina
d. Answer B and C are right

B.      Answer the following questions correctly!

1.       Change these sentences into English!
a. Ayah memberiku sepeda ontel merahnya.
b. Pak Guru memberi buku merah kecil
    kepadanya (perempuan).
2.       Complete the sentences below by using some words in the box.
             I have a cat. ........... name is Ezzy. It has.......... claws, and .......... nose. It’s 10 million 
         rupiahs. It is so ..........

3.       Fill the blanks column with the correct pronoun!

Personal Pronoun








4.       Write five kinds of professions with their meanings.
               1. ....
               2. ....
               3. ....
               4. ....
               5. ....

5.       Complete the column with the correct sounds of animals.


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