Sabtu, 26 Januari 2019

Chronological Process Essay: The Stages of Human Digestion Process


            The stages of human digestion process goes on systematically and sequentially, starting from the entry of food into the mouth and into the esophagus, leading to the stomach, large intestine, small intestine and out through the anus in the form of feces. The digestion process takes 18 hours and will continue to take place although we sleep. The stages of the human digestion process include: swallowing ( ingestion ), digestion, absorption, and the last is discharge ( elimination ) .

            In the process of swallowing ( ingestion ) , first, food into the mouth to undergo the process of destruction . Mouth can crush the food because of teeth and tongue. The function of teeth is to destroy food and tongue to flipping the food in order to be destroyed perfectly. After the food is fine, the food will be swallowed up into the esophagus with the help of saliva, after the food into the esophagus, the food is pushed again by the throat to the stomach.

            The next stage is the digestive process. After the food goes into the stomach. The food is mashed in the stomach again, because the process of destruction food in the mouth was not quite perfect and the stomach can refine the food with the help of muscles are elongated, circular, and go askew  located in the stomach wall. In addition digest food mechanically, the stomach also digest food chemically with the help of digestive enzymes.

            After that the food had advanced process called absorption where the food has been processed in the stomach goes into the small intestine. The small intestine consists of three parts, namely duodenum, colon empty, and intestinal absorption (ileum). The entire process of digestion in the small intestine ends in the ileum. Glucose, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins are absorbed through the blood vessel walls of the ileum. While fatty acids and glycerol are absorbed through the lymphatic vessels. The lymph vessels will lead to the blood vessels, so that the juices of the food can be circulated throughout the body.

            And the last stages of human digestion process is the discharge ( elimination ). After absorption through the intestine ( ileum ), the remnants of food that can’t be digested again thrown into the large intestine. In the large intestine the absorption of water and mineral salts as well as decaying food waste before it is disposed out of the body through the anus in the form of solids (feces), gas (flatus), and fluid .

            In conclusion, the food that we eat before be feces, gas or fluid, it requires a very long time, therefore, we should be able to control how much food we eat and how we are chew the food perfectly, so our digestion don’t need more power to digest the food and process the food to become energy. And when we feel like defecating or urinating should not be delayed because of the dirt and when it's time to be taken out it should be taken out.

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