Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

Soal-Soal UTS Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas 7 Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) - English Mid-Term Test for Grade Seventh of Islamic Junior High School (Part 1)

A.    Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d!

1.       I was born .... 2005.
a. At
b. On
c. In
d. Under

2.       A journalist needs a ....
a. Camera
b. Tape Recorder
c. Microphone
d. Scenario

3.       I have a sheep. It has white .... and it is very thick. Many people like it and it’s so tame.
a. Fur
b. Fer
c. Lung
d. Heart

4.       I usually do not go to school .... Friday.
a. in
b. On
c. At
d. In the

5.       Rini is a .... . I always see her in that shop, she is serving some buyers when I buy some snacks there.
a. Clerk
b. Clark
c. Waitress
d. Receptionist

6.       Irma     :  Surya, look at the chameleon
   there. What is it doing?
Surya   :  It is ....
a. Chirping
b. Howling
c. Basking
d. Crowing

7.       Tika has .... black hair. She always bring comb to make her hair neat.
a. Long
b. Light
c. Large
d. Lace

8.       Before you answer the task. Don’t forget to write your name .... the top of the page.
a. In
b. On
c. In the
d. At

9.       Every morning, Andi’s father .... news paper at front of his house.
a. Reds
b. Is reading
c. Reads
d. Read

10.   Lion is one of .... animal. It likes to make other animal dead with its claws.
a. Tame
b. Wild
c. Light
d. Rough

11.   Susi has some interesting reading books at home, she gives one for me .... .
a. It
b. Its
c. Her
d. Hers

12.   My class is .... the second floor of the building at the left side.
a. In
b. At
c. At the
d. On

13.   A chief of the class always gives us some .... . One of them is ask us to clean the classroom before teachers come.
a. News
b. Informations
c. Spectacles
d. Information

14.   There is a stone. It is ...., heavy, and solid.
a. Big
b. Neat
c. Fat
d. Comfortable

15.   When I go to school. I always go .... 06.30 o’clock.
a. In
b. At
c. On
d. In the

16.   My mother gives me a .... to cut the paper.
a. Scissor
b. One scissor
c. Scissors
d. Scissorses

17.   Alba : Where is Yeni, Ron?
Roni : She is .... classroom
a. On
b. In
c. At
d. On the

18.   Zuli is so .... . She often treats her friends some snacks.
a. Kind-hearted
b. Beautiful
c. Diligent
d. Lazy

19.   “Ibu memberiku 2 permen miliknya”
If the sentence is changed into English will be ....
a. Mother give me 2 candies hers.
b. Mother gives me 2 candies her.
c. Mother give me 2 candy hers.
d. Mother gives me 2 candies hers.

20.   I am washing my clothes, Ina is taking a bath, and the sheep is eating. Some minutes later we go to school together.

... We go to school together, ….” (line 3)
What does the underline word refer to?
a. Ina and I
b. I and It
c. It and Ina
d. Answer B and C are right

B.      Answer the following questions correctly!

1.       Change these sentences into English!
a. Ayah memberiku sepeda ontel merahnya.
b. Pak Guru memberi buku merah kecil
    kepadanya (perempuan).
2.       Complete the sentences below by using some words in the box.
I have a cat. ........... name is Ezzy. It has.......... claws, and .......... nose. It’s 10 million rupiahs. It is so ..........
3.       Fill the blanks column with the correct pronoun!

Personal Pronoun








4.       Write two things of people need for each profession!
a. A florist need .........................., .............................
b. A writer need .........................., .............................

5.       Complete the column with the correct form of words. If there is no plural or singular form just give dash (-) (Jika tidak ada bentuk jamak/ tunggal nya beri tanda (-) ) !


A tomato

Celana Panjang


A mouse

A radio

Sabtu, 17 Maret 2018

RPP (Lesson Plan) Berbahasa Inggris Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris - Englis Lesson Plan for Islamic Senior High School


School                         : Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Jember
Subject                         : English
Grade/ Semester          : XI/ 1
Skill                             : Speaking
Topic                           : At School
Language Function     : Expression of giving agreement and disagreement
Time Allocation          : 2 x 45 Minutes

I.                   Core Competence
KI 2: Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin,
    tanggungjawab, peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran,
    damai), santun, responsif dan pro-aktif dan menunjukkan sikap
    sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai permasalahan dan
    berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam
    serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam
    pergaulan dunia.

KI3: Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual,
          konseptual, prosedural, dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin
          tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan
          humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
          kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan
          kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang
          kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk
          memecahkan masalah

KI 4: Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah
          abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di
          sekolah secara mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta
         mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

II.                Basic Competence
2.1.Mengembangkan perilaku santun dan peduli dalam melaksanakan  
     komunikasi antar pribadi dengan guru dan teman.
3.2. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
       untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang pendapat dan pikiran,
       sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
4.2. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan merespon
       ungkapan menyatakan pendapat dan pikiran, dengan
       memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
       yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

III.             Indicators
      2.1.1. Discussing the solution based on the problem given by the
                teacher seriously.
      3.2.1. Constructing dialogues by using the expression of giving
                agreement and disagreement through sociodrama orally.
            4.2.1. Performing dialogues by using the expression of giving
                      agreement and disagreement through sociodrama

IV.             Learning Objectives The students are able to discuss the solution based on the
                    problem given by the teacher seriously. The students are able to construct dialogues by using the
                   expression of giving agreement and disagreement through
   The students are able to perform dialogues by using the
             expression of giving agreement and disagreement through
             sociodrama appropriately.

V.                Learning Materials

VI.             Approach, Method, and  Technique
1.      Approach        : Scientific Approach
2.      Methode          : Communicative Language Teaching
3.      Technique        : Sociodrama

VII.          Learning Activity

1. Set induction:


-          Greeting
-          Asking the students to pray together according to their own beliefs.
-          Asking the students about their condition and checking the students’ attandance.
Warming up
-          Showing sociodrama performance about one of problem in school by playing a video.
-          Teacher explains what kinds of performance that has been performed and stating the objectives.



2. Main Activities:


2.1. Observing
-          Explaining sociodrama and expression of giving agreement and disagreement

-          Showing dialogue of sociodrama using the expression of giving agreement and disagreement.
-          Asking the students to make questions about sociodrama.
-          Asking the students to make questions about expressions of giving agreement and disagreement to the teacher.
-          Asking the students to find the expressions of giving agreement and disagreement orally from the dialogue given.
-          Making groups of four
-          Giving and explaining a cue card to each group.
-          Asking the students to construct a short sociodrama based on the problem given in group orally.
-          Asking each group to perform the dialogue through sociodrama in front of the class.
-          Asking the students to give comments to their friends’ performance.








3.      Closure


-          Doing reflection by asking the students’ opinion about the material that has been taught.
-          Guiding the students to make conclusions about the material that has been taught.
-          Giving feedback to the students.
-          Informing the students the materials in the next meeting.
-          Asking the students to pray based on their beliefs and parting the students.




VIII.       Media and Sources
Media       :
a.       Whiteboard
b.      Boardmarker
c.       Recorder
d.      Group Work Exercises
Sources     :
a)      Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
b)     Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. 2015. Materi Pelatihan Guru Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2015. Jakarta: Kementrian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

IX.             Assessment
a.       Process assessment
Process assessment will be conducted by observing the students’ participation through five indicators below in the teaching learning process.

Students’ Name
Indicators of Students Active Participation


1.      Paying attention to the teacher’s explanations.
2.      Responding communicatively in giving and sharing opinions in the group.
3.      Working cooperatively in the group.
4.      Doing the exercises given by the teacher seriously.
5.      Performing sociodrama in front of the class in groups.

The students’ participation can be seen as follows.
- The students will be categorized as passive participants if they do 1 or 2
   indicators in the teaching learning process.
- The students will be categorized as active participants if they do at least 4
   indicators in the teaching learning process.

b.      Product assessment
Product assessment will be conducted by observing each students’ performance directly while administering a speaking test. The scoring rubric of speaking and scoring for counting students’ speaking achievement are as follows.

 Scoring Rubric of Speaking Adapted from Adam and Friths’ scoring rubric in Hughes
Pronunciation is incomprehensible in every single words
Frequently error pronunciation happen
Pronunciation is influenced by mother tongue, lead misspronunciation
Mother tongue still influences pronunciation, but only few errors happen
Pronunciation slightly influenced by mother tongue, but most of
the utterances are correct
Speech is so halting and incomplete
Speech is vey slow and frequently produce incomplete sentences
Speech is frequently hesitant and sentences may be left uncompleted
Speech is occasionally hesistant, complete sentences are used
Speech is effortless and smooth
Content of speech almost entirely incomprehensible

Difficult to be understood and inaccurate
Few of misunderstanding and produce incoherent sentences
Occasionally lead  missunderstanding, a few sentences need correction
Understandable, a few misunderstanding
(Adapted from Adams and Frith in Hughes, 1989: 131-133)

Scoring Table Based on Hughes’ Rating Score

Final Score
Observation Score          X 100%
Max Score
Obtained Score

F: Fluency
P: Pronunciation
C: Content






The example of the script of sociodrama about bullying in the school

( Riza is a student with bad fashion style in the school. One day, she walks in front of the class, then Ine approaches Riza. They fight about Riza’s fashion style, then Rina and Desi come to break up the fight)

Ine       : Hello Riza, good morning
Riza     : Hi Ine, good morning
Ine       : What are you doing here?
Riza     : I’m reading my note book
Ine       : Oh my God!
              What a smart girl!
Riza     : Thank you 
              By the way, how are you today?
Ine       : I’m fine, you can see
              How about you?
Riza     : As you can see, i’m fine too, thank you
Ine       : O, are you sure you are fine?
Riza     : Yes, of course I’m
Ine       : But, i don’t think so
              You are not so fine today
              You are in a very old style
Riza     : What do you mean you say like that to me?
Ine       : What I mean is that, you know, you are a student with the oldest style,
  you know?
Riza     : No, that’s not true
Ine       : Yes, you are
              You can see here your reflection
Riza     : My mom said to me that i’m beautiful
Ine       : Yes, but, what i mean is that your style Riza, it’s very old
Riza     : No, that’s not true
  You are lying
Ine       : No, I’m not
Riza     : My mom never lies to me
Ine       : That’s true
Riza     : No, you are the one is lying
Ine       : you must trust me
(Then Rina and Desi come to break up the fight)
Desi     : hei, you can not say that to her
Ine       : Why can not I say that?
Desi     : Look at us, we and all students in this school wear the same style and
Ine       : Yes, i know, we......
Desi     : And it is clear we’ve not difference each other
Ine       : But, you can see it yourself, she is really old fashion
Desi     : But, we are friends
Ine       : Ok, Ok, all right

Rina     : Yes Riza, Ok Riza and Ine, both of you must shake hand and forgive
  each other
Desi     : Yes
Ine       : All right, sorry Riza
Rina     : That’s good guys

Main Activities

- Sociodrama is an unscripted drama performed by a group of students, based on the problem told briefly by the teacher. In sociodrama you usually find expression of agreement and disagreement. Here are the examples of expression of agreement and disagreement:

Giving agreement
Giving disagreement
I agree with you
I don’t agree with you
I really think so
You are/ he is wrong
He is absolutely right
I take a different view
I have no objection
I am afraid that is not quite true
That is right!
I don’t think so
Yes of course!
I don’t think that’s quite right
I hold the same opinion
That is wrong!

Perform dialogues containing the expressions of giving agreement and disagreement through sociodrama with your group according to cue card given. Each group will be given a cue card.

Cue cards
There are four people here. The problem is there is a person from other class comes to your class in break time. When the class start again there is your friend lost a handphone in his/ her bag. You ask the person from other class what he/ she has done in their class in break time, but he/ she say nothing, three people fight and there is a person comes. Make your own creativity to creat good dialogues, but still in line with the cue card.
There are four people here. A person is the most clever person in the school. But when in examination day the person don’t want to give answer keys to other students. Then, there are two people hate with the person. They fight at other place and there is a person comes. You can make your own creativity to creat good dialogues, but still in line with the cue card.
There are four people here. The problem occurs in the class. There is a person steals a wallet in the class. Other person has known the case. But the thief doesn’t want to say honesty. He/ she has thrown the wallet in other place. There is a person mocks him and comes again another person. You can make your own creativity to creat good dialogues, but still in line with the cue card.
There are four people here. Two people as narcotic addicts, they always consume narcotic in the school. Someday, a person see that two of them doing narcotic party in the school and tell the party to the headmaster. At the next day, the headmaster call the people and he/ she wants to call their parents to talk about their children attitude. The two narcotic addicts angry to the person that tell about the narcotic party to the headmaster. They all three fight at a place and there is another person comes.
There are four people here. Two people are as best friends forever. Both of them are friends since in kindergarten to senior high school, but there is another person as a third person that make them will not be friends again and a person more is another person that is not friends of the three people.

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